domingo, 16 de março de 2008

Pronunciation Workshop on March 15, 2008

Hello, folks. It really was a pleasure to present that pronunciation workshop. It surely was a lotta time spent preparing it, choosing the songs and the phonemes to use. However, que question is: Was it useful for you? How did you benefit from it? Express your ideas. And should there be any topic you would like to see discussed, leave your suggestion here.


Luiz N. Freitas

5 comentários:

Ediluza disse...

I'd like to thank you Luiz for such a great class where we could learn and have fun at the same time . Be sure all the time spent in the preparation of that perfect workshop was worth! THE WAY you shared your ideas and knowledge just reinforced the view of a good professional I knew you were and also my desire of being one someday.

Anônimo disse...

I exist bcause of people like U. Thanx 4 being there. U R special 2 me. Luiz

Anônimo disse...

Hi Luiz... I'm finalyy here!

I really enjoyed the Workshop because it helped me to improve my pronunciation!
For me, a good teacher must be always looking for knowledge in order to be a better professional, especially with languages, that are frequently changing.

Keep on doing your job, because you do it in an amazing way!

Ah, just something more: You forgot to put on the certificates the time that the workshop lasted!

Kisses lololololololol

Danielle Alexandre

The Way Idiomas disse...

Thanks Danny. U R the special one. That certificate is a plain one. I will follow your suggestion for the next ones, which I am sure we´ll have there.

Marllan Silva disse...

This workshop was really interesting to me because when I studied pronounciation I didn't have this help to understand how can I pronounce this word.
I want to study more and more about it.
Now I want to publicize my blog with poetries:

Thank you!

P.S: now we could have a training teacher course to become a better teacher.